You might be forgiven for thinking that Toby had turned up to the lesson on his pogo stick, what with how incredibly bouncy he was today, leaping through the corridor as though he had springs attached to his shoes. But nope, no pogo stick, just pure ENERGY.
He all but burst into the Arithmancy classroom, excitable and enthusiastic. It took him a moment to notice the message on the board, at which point he automatically attempted to tone down the... whatever THIS was. With a grin on his face, Toby SALUTED Professor Tanner with the hand that held his list of music pieces. He began to greet the professor CHEERFULLY, but, like...
quietly, with a
"Helloooooooo Profess- oh... sorry!" The note on the board. ACCIDENTALLY ALREADY FORGOT IT. But remembering it now and SHUTTING UP.
Then off he went to his regular desk, where he sat and immediately began bouncing in his seat, already eager to get up and moving again. He set the parchment on his desk.
That list... that list had caused him problems, being that he wasn't as into music as a lot of people seemed to be. Kid never really had the patience to STOP and LISTEN to things. BUT... eventually he'd thought of three. He'd also not been sure if Tanner had wanted actual classical compositions like the one playing right now, but if THAT had been the case then Toby would have been able to list precisely zero. Hopefully this would be cooooooooooool.
But fidgeting. Merlin. MERLIN. Could he, like, do some star jumps? Relaxing was not a Toby thing. He peeked his eyes back open and squinted around and drummed his fingers on his desk and tapped his feet rapidly under the desk. Fidgety. So fidgety. Okay, staring out the window instead. He would channel the caaaaaaaaalm. He could try.