be curious, not judgmental Zander was theeeere. And standing by her. Yay. Sophie linked her arm with her best friend's and gave the boy a smile to let him know she was glad he was there. They'd stick together, then.
Simon and Adi both got smiles as they joined the group, but no one got a bigger grin out of this Ravenclaw than Flamsteed and Pebbles. They were adorable, really, and even though the man was a complete loon and his infatuation for his rock made no sense to her, she thought their relationship was endearing.
Hey, if it made him happy, why question it?
Botros and Kenting both got polite smiles when they joined the group, and Sophie did a quick head count as the Headmistress started the meeting - five adults, six students so far. Which meant... Merlin, if they were splitting into groups, that was like... one student to each professor, basically.
"Zander and I'll go with you, Professor Flamsteed and Pebbles," and Professor Morgan, too, but if they split up, Soph wanted to be with the Astronomy professor. She made her offer with a sweet smile and gently tugged the man's prefect along as she moved to stand by him. The two probably had some mending to do in their relationship after all that had happened, so Soph would help that along and get Zander to be more comfortable around Flammy again. Totally strategic and all, even though she knew that Tobes - when he arrived - would probably go with the grandfather-to-all Botros. He'd be in good hands, though.
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