Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
He was late!
Maybe only by a minute or so... Perhaps he wasn't even late but he had a feeling that Ethan had already beaten him to the rendez-vous point. By Merlin's Beard, silly Holmes and his timeliness! Simon had been on time to most things once.... And then he got older. He packed up his belongings and dashed out of the library. He quickened his pace from a walk to a fast walk and then to a light jog.
After climbing up the never-ending staircases, Simon slowed his pace and fixed his bag so that it sat more evenly on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he held his chin up a little higher, trying his best to be confident. Phew! He was on time. Approaching the group, he took several more deep breaths. "Hello Headmistress. Professor Morgan," he said, giving them a smile as he joined the group. He gave the other students (Sophie and Beverly) a polite nod and smile. He beamed when he saw the next person. "Zanderman!" Oh, it was brilliant to see him. The two would have to catch up soon. "Hows it going?" Simon flashed him a grin.
Once doing so, he turned to his best mate, Ethan, and grinned. "Ready for another adventure, Holmes?"
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