SPOILER!!: This!
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Goodness, this food was excellent! And she overheard someone talking about the same thing.
She jumped right in. "You think? Personally, I thought the fire crab the best. Did you have any?" Because obviously they had NOT had the crab or they wouldn't have made that statement.
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She just picked up a plate when the male said something to her. Turning her head she grinned, "Why yes I am, thank you for noticing." She adored the color and felt it brought out her bubbly personality as well as her blonde hair. Turning back towards the food she was trying to decide.
"The Quiche, alright I'll try.." but no someone else was saying something. Looking over towards the new voice she smiled, "Well maybe I'll just have to try both." She was hungry so why not.
"So are you all enjoying your evening? What else is fun to do?" The dancing seemed to be something she might like, but should she dance? She looked around for Leo, but haha, because of that spell she wouldn't know who he was. Though there was a carriage ride too. Maybe she could try that.
Oh, and there was ANOTHER girl talking to him.....This wasn't so hard. In fact, he was just standing there, calm and composed; sampling different foods. Nothing difficult about it at all. And there was no smirking or whatever from any of them. So, no ill intentions. Just food talk. Girls and boys could have conversations that weren't suggestive.
That was good know. Not that Gabe didn't know. He did, indeed, know.
"I like the spicy, yes...but the cheese is so creamy in that quiche."
OH. Right. Prefect duties. He had to promote...areas, right?
"There's voting...on best dressed, of course. Also, a photobooth. I haven't ventured there, yet." MORE SMILING. Nope, not difficult at all.