HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Her grey eyes scanned the crowds of mingling students their masks all so, unique. She had to smile when she spotted someone wearing well the most aaaaaaamazing mask ever. V-For-Vendeta was great but they had wolverine! Bunny guy was great too. She was looking at the photobooth accessories and grinning hello what else would an awesome person wear than a floating mustache? IT WAS PERFECT.
“Need any help?” She asked Kace somewhat unaware that it was him still, that suit reminded her of the one she had made in transfigurations class. “You should try this” she grinned and picked up a comically large hat and handed it to the boy in question. "It'll offset your..." she leaned in and squinted at him "blue? blue eyes" she nodded and grinned widely at him.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |