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Old 03-14-2015, 04:12 AM   #120 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zarina Rae Carraro
Sixth Year
x6 x2
Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd

SPOILER!!: Puck!

Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
Puck just nodded as she heard Cutty’s explanation. Made sense. “yeah…I wasn’t there the whole detention – badge loss and well that whole mess” she shrugged and then grinned over to Cutty. “Oh hey Cutty, guess who has their badge back?” She beamed and twisted her hand around as if she were showing off a beautiful piece of well, zonk…or some other shiny wonderful priced-just-right item.

“Five spells? Well I’ll have a go at this whoever wins?” She grinned because really who would want to fight the loser of the duel? “Then whoever lost afterward,” she beamed and grinned over to them.

“Awww…Kace…” she sighed and watched as the teeth were shrunken just a bit. “I think you have to stop the movement first?” She shrugged, “besides radicchio is a lettuce.” Yes she gave him a wink. Because that was clearly important here.

Kace saw Puck show her badge and he was impressed she got it back with getting detention and all that. He gave her a thumbs up and smiled in approval. He shrugged and was being a sore loser here. He motioned for her to come up there and help me. "Cans youz helpzzz meez?" he asked. He needed this charm to wore off.

SPOILER!!: Cutty <3

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
When Kace's teeth grew in, all Cutty would think that somewhere out there, there was a witch who was looking for a brother who could bit an apple through a white picket fence. It was strange how no matter what you were, there was always someone there to chase you down-or love you as it is known to those of us who aren't Cutty.

He let his mind drift a bit to Eden and Phoenix and the colour of Puck's lips as she flashed him her badge before straightening completely and being unable to move. Now would be a really good time to practice wordless and wandless magic. There was the commonly used spell that Cutty could do wordlessly with good result, but without use of his wand or tongue it proved impossible for the dark haired boy and so he remained. On his back like Amortentia.

Then as he asked Puck for help, he saw Cutty just standing there. He had his eyes concentrated on him. What in the bloody merlin was he doing? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and had one skeptical brow raised. Whatever he was doing it wasn't working on him. He didn't feel anything. He just wanted Puck's help. WAIT! His spell worked because he wasn't moving! SWEET!

Last edited by Expecto-Penguin; 03-21-2015 at 12:48 AM.
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