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Old 03-13-2015, 07:11 AM   #112 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Default DADA HW-Post 1
C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post

Kace saw him reflect the spell and he was impressed with his quick reflexes. He smiled and then he saw his wand at the ready and used his quidditch like reflexes and said, "PROTEGO!" and then he deflected the spell. Well he thought he and he realized he was growing long teeth. BLOODY MERLIN. He didn't do it in time. GAH! He muttered the spell, "REUDCIO!" and then the teeth stopped growing.

He breathed heavily and had to think quick on his feet. He was glad his teeth were getting back to normal. He would have to check in the mirror later on. He needed them to be perfect for his mother. He looked at Puck who snorted at him and he glared at her. He stuck his tongue out. "Yeah we are it for practice.." he gestured toward the Slytherin. He heard Cutty talking to him and smirked and thought of a spell quickly to use.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" and he said it confidently and swished his wand and hoped it worked.
When Kace's teeth grew in, all Cutty would think that somewhere out there, there was a witch who was looking for a brother who could bit an apple through a white picket fence. It was strange how no matter what you were, there was always someone there to chase you down-or love you as it is known to those of us who aren't Cutty.

He let his mind drift a bit to Eden and Phoenix and the colour of Puck's lips as she flashed him her badge before straightening completely and being unable to move. Now would be a really good time to practice wordless and wandless magic. There was the commonly used spell that Cutty could do wordlessly with good result, but without use of his wand or tongue it proved impossible for the dark haired boy and so he remained. On his back like Amortentia.

Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
It was getting hard to keep straight the spells she said she needed to work on versus the ones Cutty needed to work on, because really, she could probably use the practice on every one they'd mentioned so far. As they were in the same year, they mostly knew all the same things, though... Sophie was curious - could Cutty produce a patronus? Could he summon up a thought happy enough?

Guess they would find out.

"Good game plan, chief. Let's get the ball rolling." She mirrored his movements and did what he did, thereby bowing again when he did, and a big, goofy grin spread across her face at him letting her go first.

"Okay. I'll help y'out first. We both need the pierce protecting one, so..." Sophie paused, considering wand movements and such before jabbing her wand toward the Slytherin and casting, "Shrowan!" Though she wasn't the best at conjuration prior to this term, the Ravenclaw had been working her bum off to improve in transfiguration, and it paid off - a single arrow shot toward Cutty. And, at that precise moment, she also noticed Culloden was across the room behind Cutty, and she grinned.

This was gonna be fun.
This was going to be fun. The smile on his face said he thought as much. It even increased when they were joined by Cosgrach Culloden, who it seemed to Cutty just wanted to be like one of the students.

HAHHAhah hAHAHHAhAhahahaahHAHaHa!!

"Duro!" He said, his wand out and aimed at the arrow flying toward him. He dodged last minute letting it crumble to the ground. If he hadn't made it, missed by timing or centimeter, Sophie's arrow would've gone straight through his shoulder. He did NOT consider this. In fact, either for ignorance or arrogance (possibly both) he did not consider this practice dangerous for either of them.

"I like it when you call me Chief." She could've meant this sarcastically, but Cutty gave no nevaminds about it. It happened. And that was all that mattered. "Hit me me again, Brown." He said, open for another one of her shots.

Merlin what they were actually becoming friends? What if it lasted? For a long time like? And then he eventually had to say, 'Hit me again, Thompson-Fuller.'


Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 03-13-2015 at 07:14 AM. Reason: Edited for Pucklette <3
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