A smile slowly creeped across her lips.
"Yeah, good thing." If he happened to be one of those guys then he would learn real soon and wouldn't make that mistake again. Snort.
"I'm coming." Invite or no invite, it really didn't matter to her.
What was really going on? All she knew was that the love of her life was hitting her with spells when all she wanted to do was eat and sleep. Was that really too much to ask? She didn't think so. Plus, Adi of all people know how important tacos were to her. Blink. Blink.
"You don't love me... that's why you want to keep me from my tacos." Jealous much? Beating her? A cackle escaped her mouth.
"I win at life." He was delusional. Not to mention that she wasn't even trying to duel.
"CHEATER!" Surely there were rules against this.
The floor was super comfy. In moments AJ was able to doze off. Almost as soon as she drifted off, she heard a voice. Ugh. Her mom was always bothering her about something.
"I'm not going to wear a dress and go to your stupid party, mooooom." Goodness. How did you go about getting some rest around here? Just as AJ was about to drift back to sleep an intense tickling sensation took over her entire body.
Giggle. Snort.
Her eyes landed on Adi.
"Heeeeey... why are you still trying to fight me?" Her laughing continued because she was SO ticklish and this was intense. She rolled back and forth on her sides. She had to get him back. Adi apparently wanted a war.
"Tarantallegra!!!" Want a show, Adi?