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| C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Text Cut: Tophie Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny Her hand holding that of Tobias Fuller-Thompson, Sophie entered the dueling arena, her wand already out in her free hand and her game face ON.
No, Sophie Brown was not a coward. She just knew that there was power in numbers, okay? And she liked that Tobes would have her back and kick the snot out of Cutty Mordaunt if he tried to give her more nightmares. Well... she had never SEEN that kind of aggressive side of her best friend, but she had high hopes that he would snap the Slytherin like a twig if he intentionally hurt her. So. There was that.
At the sight of her dueling partner today, she gave the Hufflepuff's arm a squeeze, offered him a smile, then crossed the room toward Cutty. "Hi, best friend." She still got a kick out of that greeting, no matter how little she trusted the guy, and smiled unwaveringly as she twisted her wand around in her hands. "How are you?" It wasn't meant to be small talk - it was her sizing up her opponent, really, and getting a read on his present mental state. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Toby was not entirely sure what he was doing here. Well, no, that was a lie. Soph had wanted him here for, like, moral support or something, while she worked with Cutty.
He didn't really understand her suspicion, or her hesitance about the Slytherin, not being the kind of person who knew what it was like to distrust someone. But she'd wanted him here, and so here he was. Toby may not have fully understood, but he knew that Soph was always around for him when he needed her, and of course he'd always do the same.
Once they got there, Toby returned Soph's smile. He unlinked his arm from hers though, and hung back so they could get started without him all up in their business. He could be present from afar, after all.
In any case, Toby still had a tendency to think back and get a little sad about certain Cutty related things. But, not wanting to try and force any sort of friendship, he found it easier to sort of... keep his distance. Even if it would have been nice to have his friend back like before.
But huh. Seeing as he was here, it wouldn't hurt to get his own spell practice out of the way. Toby had been intending to practice on a dummy, as he straight-up didn't want to risk hurting anyone else or anything, but as he looked around he noted that not many people were going for that option. As a sixth year, it was probably expected of him to partner up with someone.
What to do. What to doooooo. Toby stood deliberating for a moment, twirling his wand between his fingers and keeping back out of the way of any duelling pairs, making sure to be vigilant and all that as he tried to make up his mind.
It didn't go unnoticed. The affectionate hand holding, the arm-squeeze and looking into her dude's face...It was still so confusing to the Slytherin. It read as needy and pathetic where she didn't have to be. There was always the glaring fact that Brown was female and he did stop to consider that perhaps she knew the accepted limitations of that. The world does receive better a fragile female with flaws than it does a strong durga with nothing to fear. He'd encountered that even as a Wizard in their magical society. It was always a point of contention when people found they couldn't control him with guilt, remorse or affection. He thought it scared them, as it did Sophie Brown. Her last owls were nothing but fear, really. All she was asking was to not be hurt by him. It was a simple request. And he admired her passive aggressive tactics and intelligence.
Yes. He did like Sophie Brown. Regardless of what other students thought she was, he had his own opinions and ruthlessness respects the opponent. He gave a nod of greeting to Toby. " I thought Tempus...I mean, Thompson-Fuller was yer best mate. Does that mean I get kisses too?" Joshing. Not that he'd object. " Lookin' fer a partner, Brown? I mean fer DADA homewehrk?" Of course. Text Cut: Stephertonington Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Kace saw Cutty was ready to duel. He nodded towards the fellow Slytherin and held his wand to his side and bowed to his opponent. Now this was gonna be a real duel! He wondered who was gonna be first so he decided to cast his spell first.
He gave his wand an upward flick and said the incantation, "LEVICORPUS!" and he hoped Cutty would be hanging by his ankles. As soon as he cast his spell he turned and saw a familiar face out of the corner of his eye. He saw Lecium's wand arm prep in the move before the move, his tongue begin to form the 'L' sound and he stepped back to spare a moment for strategy. The spell hit him and immediately Cutty was afloat. His body assumed a 'lifted kitten' type position before he drifted to the side and shot out, though not as his opponent, " Siccus Aerous!". The gust of wind that spouted from his wand he used to propel him. A moving target's hard to hit.
" Stupefy!" He said, shooting back at Lecium.
Last edited by SlytherinSistah; 03-12-2015 at 03:14 AM.
Reason: Edited for Stephanoodle. <3