SPOILER!!: AJ, AJ, Chocolate Frog eater! xD
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It was totally too late. Maybe she could puke them up, but surely they would be useless. Maybe there would be a spell for that though. Oh, and then she could EAT them again. Just think about how much money that could save her in the long run. AJ was pretty sure she was on to something here. After the duel she would talk about this because right now she needed to focus on this whole defending herself thing. Adi didn't underestimate her.
"I pity the fool." Hehehehe.
"I like chocolate frogs. I like dates." It seemed only rational that she should be involved in that date. It was the best kind if you asked her. AJ was just going to have to call his bluff because one way or another she was going to EAT a chocolate frog today. And it was going to be one of Adi's frogs.
Concentration needed to happen because so far she had an advantage, and she didn't want to go and mess that up. She was on top right now. The lion watched as Adi was dangling in the air by his ankle.
"Wicked." For a moment she just stared in awe at her brilliant work. That was the first time ever that she had tried that spell out, and it had worked.
Apparently a moment of losing focus was all Adi needed because he regained his composure and had hit her with another spell. No time to think about what to do next because all of a sudden confusion washed over her. She blinked a few times and tried to remember why she was here.
"I think I was a taco. I'm just going to go..." AJ was just about to walk out when she realized that she was in the dueling area. Was she in the middle of a duel? With her boyfriend?
"Why do you want to duel me? I thought you loved me." What happened? AJ blinked some more.
AJ didn't know what to do, but she couldn't just stand here and not protect herself.
"Relashio." What did that spell even do? This girl had no idea. You know what sounded better than a taco? A nap. AJ plopped herself on the middle of the floor and curled into a ball.
"Good thing I'm not one of those.'' Because if he was, he would be a goner in less than a second. She did like dates and chocolate, did she? SMIIIIIRK!
"Maybe you'll get an invite. I'll see how it goes by the time we're done here.''
Yes! The spell hit her! And AJ's reactions were PRICELESS! Not to mention funny. Adi found himself cracking up. Tacos? She thought she was a taco? LOL! Uh oh! Was she going to leave before they had a chance to complete their practice? Adi was about to take off after her but she apparently changed her mind even in her mind addled state.
"I do love you. That's why we're doing this. And I happen to be beating you at it.'' Haha. Lies. They were evenly matched.
Relashio? He wasn't holding anything... except his wand. Nothing to get his grip of of here, AJ. Instead, Adi deflected the spell with the regular Shield Charm. It was not one of his chosen five but Protego Maxima seemed to hate him for the moment.
Oh Merlin! Adi really lost it right then. He doubled up and started laughing. The sight of AJ curled up and then saying good night.
"It's too early to sleep, AJ.'' Why not have her join him in all the laughter?
"Rictusempra!'' He followed up the incantation with the tricky wand movement. AJ would forget about sleeping in no time!