Post 1 Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Arts and crafts! Dot was pleased that they were focusing on something more hands on, especially since it was rather obvious the professor wasn't too impressed with her answers. She laid out the pieces and parts on the top of her desk, peeking at her classmates to get a feel for how to follow the instructions that the professor had given to them. No scissors, sooo...
Oh, cut the fabric magically! Of course. She flattened the fabric carefully, ironing out the wrinkles with her fingertips until it was pristine, and then Dot measured out her rectangles with straight lines and a notch of ink from her quill at the corners. Once she was happy with her rectangles, she cut along the lines she'd marked with a certain Dottie intensity. It seemed like, if you were going to make a memorial for someone, you ought to do it right.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ ![](
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |