Post 2 Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium With her fabric cut into even rectangles set nicely in a pile on her desk she was ready to move on. Now the hard part.
Which runes did she want to use.
Checking her notes once more Hady reached for her textbook flipping it open and turning pages slowly. Her eyes scanned over each rune in turn taking in the meanings.
Using her finger she went through them all in turn, in her friend hand was her quill so she could jot down which ones she might use. This wasn't easy and Hady scratched out several of her notes with a frustrated sigh. After some time she finally settled on the three she wanted. Uruz, Gebo and Wunju...those seemed like a good combination for her.
Slowly raising her hand she gave her thought to the Professor, "Professor, I've decided to go with three runes. Uruz because it stands for strength which everyone needs at different points throughout their lives for many reasons. Gebo for love and me it's being able to love enough to be able to forgive which everyone needs. Then Wunju which is for happiness which without nothing else would really be worth it."
She didn't have to really get into why she choose these right? Good. She really didn't want to right now...all that mattered was it made sense to her. |