I'll leave you a post in Archives if you want to respond there? :) C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby Quote:
Originally Posted by Schroyers Nathan watched the man as he walked toward him. Hmm He seemed so.. fragile? This man was his boss? The keeper of some of the biggest secrets of their kind? If anything though he was sure that this man wasn't all that he seemed. People never were.
"Mr. Mitterbill.. Pleasure to meet you. That would be wonderful, I was actually just wondering about that." He looked around, so many doors. "How do the doors work? Do you always just say where you'd like to go and they take you or what?" He had a million other questions but he wasn't going to just spit them all out now, no need to overwhelm him.
"That's about the way of it, Mr. Prince." Jasper replied in answer to Nathan's question about the doors and how they work. "Though not all will respond to just any voice. A certain level of clearance is needed for the doors behind which are the more sensitive of secrets." Things that could harm people and the like if they were to be let free. "We'll be visiting all of the rooms for which you'll have clearance today. Showing you around, how to work some of the equipment and such. Anything that you might be unfamiliar with."
"Oh!" He added absent-mindedly. "And I do have something that you'll need to sign. A waiver form asking that you keep what you work on here a close guarded secret. But we'll sign that once we reach Archives. Pardon me for not using a levitating charm and asking you to sign it now, but I'd rather not risk destroying what's beneath the sheet. Once shattered they never do work quite the same." He explained slightly moving the sheeted object of which he spoke.
"Archives and records." He said outloud once again sending the room spinning in a blue-lit blur until they stopped before one of the more or less non-descript black doors. "Right this way, Mr. Prince." Jasper stepped through first.
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