Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Back to work already, Victoria had been dreading going back to work. She loved work, she loved her department, she loved Quidditch. She had even been doing lots of work at home, since Quidditch didn't take a winter break. It was just coming back to the ministry, the ministry that she just lost the election with. The coworkers that must not have seen her as a good leader. She was embarrassed and envied the people that ran that didn't work for the ministry at the time. They didn't have to go face the people that didn't think she was good enough.
Walking towards the conference room she got a whiff of the coffee from the coffee cart and stopped a moment. That smell was just too strong and it made her stomach turn. Though she thought it might have been her nerves coming back to work after dreading it.
Picking up her step she entered the conference room to notice that only two were there so far. "Good Morning" She said quietly and took a seat next to Mariel. Pulling out her parchment to get ready for the meeting start she wasn't feeling up to being talkative, so she kept her eyes on her parchment and waited.
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