Originally Posted by
Steeley Sheen!
As if the nightmare wasn't bad enough. *might can forgive you for fungus, but nooooo this* *but needs snuggles, so dilemma*
not my fault... i did place a disclaimer
and its
mushrooms Laurennnnn, you make it sound so vile *will annoy you with super mario soundtracks later*
Originally Posted by
Anna's girl along with Jake Upstead, were the kiiiillerzzz. Cos they were imperiused by the bad guy or controlled by crazy runes or something. I don't remember, ask Felix lolol. And I think..... there were three? Three deaths. All Hufflepuffs.
And yes the silencio thing I've noticed too its very interesting actually. Food for thought.
yes yes
the other was Helios Sunrider (iirc he died first), and yeah it was Felix' kid, although not sure if it was Jakers (since Sal met Jake and... yeah timey wimey throwing me off