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Cinn-O-Bun James smiled at her question and after a quick look around to make sure no one was within earshot grinned, “Not as special a ring to it calling you my girlfriend.” He smirked at her and kissed her hand not bothering to look around to see if anyone was watching this time. HE didn’t particularly care and if she did then they may need to have a different conversation.
Pffft. “Sharing is caring if you ask first,” he teased. He couldn’t even pretend to be mad at her. It was pretty amusing really. It was fun to tease her though and that he did pretty well. He laughed at her statement and shook his head, “Nope, I totally let you win those things.” Well not really but she knew that. “I’d call it luck really rather than outsmarting.” Mmhmm. He smirked at her words and looked over to spot a girl collecting rocks or something. “Hmmm I can too. But too bad just going to have to suffice with thinking those things,” he said with a wink and took another bite of his pizza.
Feeling her thumb running along his hand this time he grinned, “If you’re going to try and keep it from people though you have to stop looking at me that way,” he said chuckling. “That’s how Amelia realized something was going on when really there wasn’t earlier this year. How I looked at you.” He listened to her and laid down on the blanket, “You’re perfect to me too. In all ways.” Yup and he’d thought so since they met.
He laughed at her remark and looked up at her from his spot on the ground, “Uni crashers? Like the equivalent of wedding crashers where we go where we’re not invited?” He chuckled and fumbled for his pizza on his plate to get another bite. “I was thinking more like hosts of the parties personally though crashing seems a lot more fun and less work.”
Vinnie didnt know why but there was something so sweet in him looking around before doing what he wanted to to. That was one of the million reasosns she adored him so much. he was so thoughtful and caring.
"That should be the most special for sure", she grinned. For a long time at least, there were upgrades obviously but yeah not right now. They had reached the highest level for right now and she loved it.
So she head to ask first if she wanted his pizza or hoodie or drink?! Pffft, where was the fun in thaaaat.
"Naaahhhhh you know you want to share with me baby." He didnt have any other chance anyway. Hehe. She was just too fast for him, there was proof for this. Absolutely. " You LET me win?!, the brunette snorted and raised an eyebrow amused,"
just keep lying to yourself,if that makes you feel better. But we know the truth." She totally outsmarted him , even though luck had been on her side since she had met him this was going tooo far. Poor boy couldnt handle it.
" Maybe they can happen later. Who knows.You gotta behave though." Siiiiiigh, it was so much fun to tease him.
Biting into a slice of pizza the brunette wondered how she would stop looking at him the way she did. Like...how did you change it when you werent even aware of what you were doing?! Was there a spell?
"Amelia saw the way you look at me...and then?", she smiled a little. Her best friend just knew her well, maybe that was it...orrr she could look inside of peoples heads. Which would make sense, an awesome power for an awesome person. Watching him lay down she grrrriiiiiiinnned like an idiot.
"I am not perfect but if you think so, thats all i need."
Laying down on the blanket next to him the Slytherin snuggled into the boy next to her and wrapped an arm around him.
" Yeah that was exaaaactly my thought, all the fun but no work. "Throwing parties was fun too..but if people already were throwing them...why not join.Smirk.