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After Kace hugged the cutie first year Margo he noticed that she turned a deep shade of red. She almost looked as red as a tomato. He found it adorable she was doing that. I guess his hugs had a huge effect on people. He furrowed his brows when she wouldn't look at him. He wondered if he had done something wrong. He would let it pass because he knew this was embarrassing for her. He sort of knew she liked him but he played along. He knew it was a harmful crush so he was cool with it. He smiled when she played cool and did the little cough fit.
"That is ironic because I have been busy with lessons too." he winked using the same excuse.
"Which one has been your favorite so far?" he asked. Sayyy what!?
SHE SAW THE GIANT SQUID? He raised his eyebrows impressed.
"I am impressed you finally got to see it!" he smiled wide. He laughed at her shouting I mean he didn't get to see the Giant squid till like in his third year. He was a bit more mature but he could understand Margo's excitement.
"Did he talk to you or anything?" he asked.
"Nope noooo Kraken in the lake. You have got nothing to worry about missy.." he bopped her nose like a little brother would do.
"Aww well if you ever wanna go to the lake when it is nice out, I will surely help you and conquer your fear." he promised her on that one.
When he heard the little puff mention Canary Creams, Kace had the evil smirk plastered on his face. Excellent idea!
"You know that is an excellent idea. Braedon doesn't even know about these yet.." he said looking on the shelves and inspecting them.
"Look at you being so smart.." he smiled and patted her on the head.
"Yeah He talked to me!" Margo said smiling thinking back to the giant squid and all the fun she had done by the lake learning about him.
"He was pretty cool...not scary at all!" Margo added smiling....
.... A bop on the nose??? Dear Merlin, Margo blushed again, he knew.....she wasn't sure how she knew, he knew, or how Kace would have even found out... but he knew....or no...holy hippogriffs. Margo wasn't even sure how to proceed from here. Blushing yet again, Margo turned toward the case of canary creams as well.
"I've never been pranked with one, but I've seen them and they seem pretty cool! Harmless to!" Margo added thinking of the kid she saw explode into a big bird and back again the other day. She thought it was hilarious and it would be pretty funny to see it again.
And then a pat on the head....oh how humiliating, Margo knew Kace was way too old for him, that and he had a girl friend, but Margo was put firmly in her place with that bop and pat...ugh.....blushing yet again.