SPOILER!!: Worthy Opponent! <3
Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
With the disarming spell cast so soon after the freezing spell, Benny hadn't had the chance to get himself free or rather for the one spell to wear off so he could defend himself against the second one. So the scarlet light of the spell got through and hit the Gryffindor's arm and all he could do was absently watch as his spell was loosed from his grasp and fell to the floor several feet away.
He unfroze shortly after but already too late. "Guess that means the duel is yours," Benny gave in as he moved to retrieve his wand from where it had rolled.
Annnnd the disarming spell had it's expected effect. Benny's wand clattered to the floor and soon afterward its owner regained his mobility.
"Guess it does,'' Adi said cheerfully.
"But you didn't do so bad yourself, dragon. You'll probably get me next time.'' Well, not probably but most likely. It was impossible to have a pattern in terms of winners when it came to dueling Benny.
After Benny retrieved his wand, Adi suggested,
''How about a quick snack before we hit the books?'' Food was always good, especially if it involved visiting the Kitchen and seeing the elves.