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Old 02-17-2015, 05:17 AM   #22 (permalink)
Anna Banana

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eliza Bellerose
Second Year

Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Text Cut: Ali and Dani!
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
"I have some wonderful pick me up tea if you need it." Was he staying up too late? It was never good to be tired through the day. Though she knew the days she had felt tired as well. SO maybe it was just a one time thing for him.

Anyway, she turned back to the excitement. A reading of the beginning, middle, and end of her life. Ooooooh this was exciting! She snapped a little more. "Well I'm a Libra, I was born in the month of October." Very exciting and she loved her sign. The signs meant many things as well! Looking towards Quigely she didn't mind saying her age. She wasn't one of those type of women who was sensitive to it. "I'm thirty four."

This was just so much fun. Her green eyes turned Maddox so he could say his information, though Cassie was sure she already knew his birth month. She was really good at figuring out people's signs.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"It was a joke, Miss Addison; a gross exaggeration if you will." Not 'anything for a student', that was dangerous territory and many of these students' feeling of entitlement was a bit alarming..."And I'll pass on the tea, thank you." Obviously directed at Cassie. "A great man once said 'the only cure for sleep is sleep'." Which meant a nap would be in order if it turned out he didn't have a class to teach in the next hour.

Start...middle...end of their lives. Merlin talk about ruining the surprise, but he would admit he was familiar with the subject. As it happened, Maddox wasn't a complete failure at Arithmancy back in his school days. It was one of those that he never had a problem grasping.

"If it's Major Cycles you'll be calculating then you'll need my birth year, not my age." Crunch. "It's the dates you focus on." Something for her to remember in the future. Never let it be said that Maddox Quigley watched a student going astray and left them to it because he couldn't be bothered telling them better.

"So that's May 2050." See? If she had ages, she'd have to subtract to get the birth year anyway. He just saved her the trouble. "If you need the day as well, it's the 23rd." Helpful Maddox was helpful. Crunch.

Kate pretended not to hear the conversation going on between the two adults. She knew it wasn't meant for her to hear, but she kind of couldn't help it considering she was standing right there in between the two of them. So Quigley was tired, and Morgan had a tea for that kind of thing. Heh. "So was I," Kate said, perking up at the mention of Professor Cassie's birth month.

Quigley's first response wasn't quite so positive. "I figured," she said, responding to what he'd said about the exaggeration. She didn't really think a professor would do anything a student asked them to do. She just thought she'd call him out on that anyway. "I know," she said, now talking about the birth month, "but the professor said something about using the age for figuring out when the beginning, middle, and end of your life is. Well, the general gist of it anyway."

"Okay, so..." Kate awkwardly flipped through her textbook to see what she should do next. "Oh, right! So you'd be a one, Professor Cassie, and..." Pause. "'d be a five, Professor Quigley. Now this is what that means for you..." She was doing SO AWESOME so far. She thought.

Text Cut: Textbook for Professor Cassie!
An Active Cycle: When the 1 is your First Major Cycle, you'll acquire independence and form self-confidence, although you may feel different or lonesome. Stand up for your beliefs. When the 1 is your Second Major Cycle, you'll learn to deal with that loneliness, proving that a solitary person can make a difference through your increased leadership, confidence, or entrepreneurial skills. You'll demonstrate strength, vivacity, and adaptability and may even form a new business. If you have a 1 as a Third Major Cycle Number, you'll be full of pride and assertiveness, discovering new ways of getting things done. You'll cultivate and preserve your independence while working on matters of self-discovery, honesty and virtue.

"In the first twenty-eight years of your life, you acquired independence and formed self-confidence. You also felt different and lonesome," she said. Whatever all that meant. "Is that true?" Now for Professor Quigley...

Text Cut: Textbook for Professor Quigley!
A Freeing Cycle: A 5 Major Cycle means your major lesson is to learn to adapt, change, live with uncertain finances, and explore. Rapid progress and change characterize the 5 Major Cycle in any position, so naturally travel, moving your residence, and changing jobs are all part of this cycle's energy. You'll be free of the burdens of responsibility because it is a time for promoting yourself and seeking new opportunities. You're learning the lessons of freedom, which if managed well, will show you the excitement of life, and if managed poorly, will teach that freedom is a metaphor for recklessness and nothing left to lose.

"Professor Quigley, your five had to adapt, change, and live with uncertain finances," she began. "It also means a lot of change and freedom from responsibility. Does any of that sound like you in the first twenty-eight years of your life?"

Last edited by Anna Banana; 02-19-2015 at 12:23 AM.
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