Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Norah beamed at Zander because YEAH, they both got it right! She had only half gotten the word 'yep,' which is a VERY short word, y'know, when he'd already run away. Okay? So much for that high five, Mr. Zander Prefect Sparkle Non-Appreciator Guy. The third year walked over to her desk and packed her bag quickly, rushing over to the mirror in the LEAST skippy way ever, because she still got to pretend to be Marigold for a bit longer, right? She looked and looked in the mirror, grinning at herself but it didn't LOOK like her smile 'cause no dimples or anything. Just a Mari smile, with blonde Mari hair. Heheh this was SO COOL.
She backed away from the mirror reluctantly to give someone else a turn, and made one last 'I'm in Charge' Prefecty face before unclipping her belt and putting it on the desk. Sigh. Back to a Norah face, then. And Norah hair, which was even more annoying. The Puffer pulled her slip of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Professor Botros as she smiled at him. The same old Norah dimple-y smile. "Thanks for a great lesson, Professor! Did she just call Ancient Runes a great lesson? Man, stuff was getting weird.
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