Thread: The Buffet
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Old 02-15-2015, 03:37 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
x12 x12
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

SPOILER!!: Simon
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post

He instinctively reached out as the new YATI seemed to stumble over her own feet as she turned to face him, his arms ready to catch her should she start to fall. New job and obviously getting used to new footwear too. "Nice to meet you in person, Miss Cambridge," he replied with a nod of acceptance at her greeting, still vaguely going along. Simon accepted her offered hand with his own and gave it a polite shake.

"Simon Bennett. Department liaison and Security," he returned, offering both name and title. As if one of those who truly did work to ensure ministry workers were safe and didn't die. It felt weird not to include the auror bit, even moreso then when he had to gave the whole slew of titles he held. But then he and Emily had talked about his move before the break and it was to be official this time around.

It was nice he'd gotten ready to catch her and all, you know in case she face planted on the very first night then no one--absolutely no one--ever took her seriously again but thankfully she'd gotten a good grip on the table so she just kinda grinned and brushed it off. She had this, totally had this and was ready to start making lasting impressions with people.

Oooohh!! Security! So then....he WAS in MLE as well! fbgdzsktrcgiue! "Security, huh? Does that mean you go on patrols that take you all over the Ministry?" Or was he the kind that just stayed down at the entrance checking wands. Might have asked him that too but the way she'd phrase it it might come off as a little rude so she let the question stand.

"What are my chances that something will go wrong around here?" Because let's face it, after 7 years at Hogwarts....she couldn't do a normal life. It was impossible and she refused. Auror stuff was meant to be THRILLING!

SPOILER!!: Alana
Originally Posted by JeshieRAWR View Post

Alana couldn't help but be amused as Lex explained her job. She thought the 'YATI' sounded like 'yeti', like the urban legends of the yetis living up in the Alps where she lived. Obviously those weren't true, but fun stories to tell the muggles. So wait...she didn't even read the entire letter? How promising. Alana hoped that at the end of her training she would be trusted because she was definitely not hopeful for this girl. Not one bit. "'M sure you vill be. It sounds like hard vork." She nodded. It was true though. An auror was definitely not something Alana would ever think of doing. Too dangerous.

An unspeakable. That word just made Alana brighten up and she gave her a biiig smile. "Yes ov course, that's me. If I told you, I'd hav to kill you." She laughed. But really, it was a BIG secret and she wasn't really allowed to tell anyone.

She listened in on Simon and Lex's conversation and couldn't help but notice when he stated his job title. that's how they would relate. Alana couldn't help but try to mentally give luck to the guy who would have to tone down Miss 'I'm going to be awesome' over here.

She looked over to where another person [William] had joined the buffet table, eating quite a lot, and watched as a girl [Sky] started talking to him. She was about to join when their conversation started to get pretty heated and she gave eye contact over to Lex, mentally saying, 'Aren't you supposed to protect our lives here?' Yeah...she'd stay out of that conversation, unless they were talking about how good the food is. Which by the way, she needed food in Unfortunately, the food was where the argument was taking place

Alana turned around and went down, carefully, to where the food was and also a person [Carol]. "Hello." She said, politely with a smile. "Hav you tried ze chicken?" It looked delicious, but she needed confirmation before she ate something awful. She occasionally gave glances over to where the meatballs and the guy with red hair and girl with brown hair were. Don't come over here, don't come over here.

Pffft, hard work was like an understatement when you considered everything an Auror would ultimately end up doing. It was just so much and thinking about it now got the former Gryffindor all kinds of excited again. Could work start Could some Dark Wizard barge in, curses blazing and the whole nine yards? It may not lookit but Lex was SO ready. "I'm prepared for all the work. Heard the training's intense and can mess with you psychologically too but that's half of what makes it epic and what makes you revered when you finally get it done." That and the fact that by the time the training's done you know how to break someone's face in without leaving fingerprints so they kinda know they have to listen to you if they know what's good for them. It was a beautiful thing.

The fact the woman would have to kill her if she told her had Lex's eyes widening in wonder and awe. "No kidding? Well tell me anyway. I can take care of myself, honest. You could try killing me after and I'd survive and we could both go on about our lives." That was how it worked. Alexa had been in and out of so many near death experiences that she was sure tacking one more one wouldn't do her in...not yet.

The look the woman cast at her got her a little more alert. Was something happening? WHAT DID SHE MISS?? Oh man, first day here and she was already falling behind.

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post

Heading for the very crowded food and drink section Sophie stopped in front of the beverage selection. Eyeing the punch she asked nobody in particular. "Is the punch drinkable?" As in safe?
While searching for whatever might have been the cause of the woman's nervous glances, Lex spotted someone asking about the punch. Was there a reason it shouldn't be drinkable in the first place?? You think they'd tell the people in charge of their safety things like this but apparently not? Merlin.

"I saw someone else drink some and they haven't dropped dead yet. I've watch 'em for another 5 minutes or so just to be sure but...I think it's fine." Helpful Lex was already being helpful and this lady was SO welcome.

Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post

Who the man was surrounded by, however, Sabel couldn't hazard a single guess. All young, pretty ladies with an overabundance of energy. It made him smile a little as he nodded to Simon and sidled up to the table. What to drink, what to drink?

Apparently the punch was drinkable? Sabel's eyes drifted over to the woman who had asked and to the one who had in turn, answered. Well that was good news. And a good start to any celebration. No poison.

May as well go for it then. He picked up the ladle and a glass and paused, looking up. "Can I pour anyone else a cup?"
"You can pour me one." Lex offered to the new guy to join them at the table. At the moment she wasn't feeling thirsty but what if by the time something epic did happen she was so parched she was of no help to anyone? "And could you pass me one of those cupcakes over there?" He was standing closer to them and apparently in a generous mood tonight. Bonus!

"I'm Alexa by the way, but you can call me Lex 'cause most everyone does. YATI for now but I'm gonna be Head Auror one day." Speaking of, where was this current Head Auror? She needed words with him, proper words.

"Do you know Simon? Are you in MLE too?" Nice faces were lovely to work with. Very motivational if she did say so herself.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Well, that was RUDE. "Excuse me, I was just trying to start a conversation. And yes, I AM old enough to work here! In fact, I'm in the Auror training program!" So THERE! Though, Sky was flattered that he thought that she didn't look any of her twenty-one years. 'Cause sometimes she felt more like thirty-one.

"As for the meatballs, sounds like a personal problem to me. May I suggest you check your head?" BURN!
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Oh really? Since when did an insult constitute a conversation starter? And she was an Auror-to-be, great. William rolled his eyes and took a step away from the buffet. He'd just lost his appetite, thanks. Well, maybe only his appetite for meatballs.

"Figures that you're MLE," he said back to the girl, picking up a toothpick and stuffing it in the corner of his mouth. "You're always the rudest ones at any event." Probably thought she could say and do anything and get away with it because no one could arrest her. That was how her dept. worked. That was how Browne had run it.

He shook his head and walked away. William would eat this elsewhere. Maybe in that coat closet.
And then Lex finally found out what Alana had been so worked up for a minute ago. This could be good. Hopefully it got far enough before one of them decided to be the bigger person because then she would be NEEDED and would be at a perfect angle to simply swoop in, make arrests and all that fancy stuff. Merlin this was exciting.

Until she caught the guy saying something about MLE being the rudest at events? "For real? Like, it's a legit thing, documented and stuff?" Had to be sure. What was the job to be rude and she was botching up this whole evening throwing away smiles like they were candy--scratch that. One did not throw candy, ever, but you got the point.

But there was something else too. The other one was a YATI!! So of course she had to tack on a "Hello." but it was meant for them both because making friends first then being rude and keeping her job and afterwards getting Head Auror. It was all a cycle.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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