SPOILER!!: The Ruffleteers
Originally Posted by
hermionesclone Hair was important and so was meeting up with your bros so what better placeto meet up with fellow hair fanatics than in a hair salon?
Grinning, Alec made his way down Hogsmeade and into the salon. Oh, it felt good to be back! It felt... comfortable. As if not much had changed since the last time the three boys had been here. Things were much better now, actually. This time three years ago, he wouldn't have been stopped randomly by fans to sign photos and take selfies.
He also had grey hair but we don't talk about that. Shudder.
Now the only thing he needed was...
... GRIN! Just the people he was looking for!
Heading over towards the two men -- both of whom had kept their hair in GREAT condition from the looks of it -- the Seeker flopped down on the couch and said, "Curly Wade! Punny Nigel!" Things might have changed but Alec's nicknames for the guys hadn't. "Your hairs look great!" Nodnod. Quote:
Originally Posted by
Meizzner Well Nigel did not have to wait long. Wade was the next one to show up with the best song ever. Nigel was of course bias. But it was true. "Stems out, and touch the ground. Can't stop, 'cause we're so looow. Let's do this one more time!" Yeah Nigel could not help but sing that verse. But onto the question.
"Oh you know the usual. Avoiding paparazzi and bringing the joy of pickle cereal to the world. Though what about you, Quidditch star and Father" Nigel said grinning. Kids, man. Nigel could barely take care of himself. It was true. Good thing he did not have a roommate. And look who decided to show up last. The one with the best hair. Well it was debatable at least. "Your hair looks awesome as always. Bet the Misses would throw a fit if you did anything to it. And how is the quidditch life treating you two?"
You know, you kind of miss playing after you barely touch a broom for like a year. Apparating made broom traveling obsolete for Nigel
Wade just positively beamed at Nigel before ruffling his hair. It looked perfect as always. Was he going to get a FRO like he got from the Ruffleteers? Yes, no, maybe so? He chuckled about him spreading the joys of pickle cereal. "
I hear you mate and it's been a juggle but still lots of fun. " Then before he knew it, their other Ruffling mate joined in. "
SPIFFY!" He ruffled his hair too. "
Thanks mate, both of your hairs awesome-looking too."
It sure felt great to be with some of his favorite guy mates again. "
So what are you guys thinking of doing?" It'd be funny if they decided to do the same thing.