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Old 02-14-2015, 02:29 AM   #19 (permalink)

Stormdancer's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Scotland, [GMT]
Posts: 10,057

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori

SPOILER!!: Puck and Gabe
Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
What? It wasn’t unreasonable to think that Gabe Banner would be buying tons of journals just for his note taking right? C’mon that was a Ravenclaw thing to do – notes, notes, nothing but notes.

Gabe seemed tense…Puck glanced over to the guy and raised her eyebrow wasn’t that Thunder Ward? The Writer? She’d read his stuff the fantasy adventure stuff? “Wait…Thunder Ward?” Puck asked and glanced over between the guys. “Thunder Ward’s your brother? Lucky.” She grinned.

“I’ve read a lot of your books honestly,” She admitted grinning and then she remembered Gabe. Oh merlin. “I know you’re probably going to give me that you read look or comment and I do…” she admitted in a somewhat blank tone like geeeze yeah I have a brain Banner.

“Nice to meet you as well,” she grinned at him….he wasn’t her idol really but he was close when it came to writing skills. Puck smiled at them before shifting where she stood and heading to find parchment and ink because it was needed…OWLs.

“Er…Gabe how many notes did you take when reviewing for OWLs?” She asked in a concerned tone as she really wanted to pass.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post

...and THAT...was the other reason Gabe hadn't mentioned the last name difference. It was almost too much to take, watching Puck fawn over Thunder like this. Yes, he was a brilliant writer. He'd sold lots of books...but couldn't she see they had things to talk about? Family conversation, to be polite.


...and she was following them to the parchment stacks. Gabe was trying not to be a jerk. Since they did the Prefect thing together, it didn't need to be complicated further by her getting offended. Or by giving her more ammunition to pick on him. Puck Greyvson was good for that. Siiiiiiiigh.

Why couldn't he silencio people again?

"I'm efficient enough." Downplayed, sure...but the questions were getting more annoying than usual. He quickly began selecting bundles, deciding on high quality parchment. It kept the ink better and didn't compromise his color coding...


Gabriel hadn't seen the shop owner at first...but she was offering assistance and he immediately shied away, face coloring brightly. Force of habit, unfortunately. "I'll be a moment, ma'am." To check out, he meant.

Thunder sighed. He really should have written his books under another name. Honestly, why hadn't he thought about that? Oh. Yeah. He hadn't believed he had any hope in organising one book to sell well, let alone the four that he had realised since he had left Hogwarts. His fifth was with his editor before it would be sent to be published. It was the last book in his current triology and he hoped his readers liked where it had taken him.

"I have a big family. Family can be over-bearing, regardless of their talents." He wasn't lying; even ignoring the Banner side of his family. Though, he made sure to shoot Gabe a small smile. They were different. "And I'm glad you enjoyed my books so far..." He said, trying to step around the conversation without hitting too many snags and uncomfortableness... but truly, he was uncomfortable.

Thunder looked over the parchment and inks and wondered if he wanted anything new for his read-throughs and edits. No, not yet. He still had plenty of ink that was just buying for the sake of buying. Heh.

Looking between his brother and the girl again, Thunder wondered why the girl was following them... but then, maybe they had arrived together. Ah well, no matter they would soon be having lunch and he would be able to ask him about his Prefect badge which Gabe had kept to himself. Oh yes, he hadn't missed it. He smiled at the shop-keeper, nodding when Gabe said that he would be finished soon.

When the lady had turned around to look after the next couple of student, Thunder's face lit up in a face. "Lunch time. Ready for the Broomsticks?" He asked Gabe, really knowing that he would be - after all they always had lunch at the Broomsticks over the Hogsmede weekend. It was their thing, their tradition. Yup.
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