post 1 - Ginny Weasley ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# As the belts were being handed out, Lux listened carefully to what Professor Botros was saying. It seemed pretty cool to her that she would get to change her appearance as other people saw it though she did still wish that she could have been a creature. Oh well, this game would be loads of fun and she was excited. Games were awesome and so much more interesting than the lectures even though she appreciated the importance of them.
Putting on the belt, she faced the wall as instructed. "hu fehu fehu, fu fa fi fe fo, kenaz kenaz kenaz, kun kan kin ken kon, ehwo ehwo ehwo, othul othal othil othel othol." She kept chanting until she saw the runes glowing.
Awesome, it had worked. |