SPOILER!!: Layla is so funny xD
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Layla looked momentarily confused as Eden asked her a question. The bouncing of the ball was a natural boredom thing with the blonde, she often did it without even acknowledging the fact that she was. It seemed to be set in her sub-concious mind. She stared at her dormmate for a few seconds before it dawned on her what she was asking. “It ain’t that excitin’ but sure” She tossed the ball over the brunette and waited to see whether Eden’s catching skills were up to scratch. Girl could be clumsy, did she have any hand-eye-coordination?
Was that a sarcastic response or was Eden genuinely pleased that she wasn’t Hufflepuff like? She raised her brow but said nothing more of it. As for having a lot on her plate, yeah she was sure of that. Eden was never still and the blonde had a hard time keeping up with whatever crazy event was happening in her life or which boy she had moved onto next.
Once again she was off trying to find something and the seventeen year old playfully rolled her eyes before flopping back on her bed and staring up at the ceiling. “Why would I wanna steal your brush?” she asked still with her attention on the dorm roof. “If you ain’t noticed we’ve got different colour hair. I don’t want your dead strands in mine.” There was a tiny evidence of a smirk that fell on her face as she spoke.
“Have you checked under your pillow?” Eden was weird, she probably stored things in strange places.
Eden caught the ball swiftly, smirking smugly as she began to bounce the ball against the wall nearest her own bed, catching it each time, seeing how Layla could find this soothing.
"This is nice. I should get one. It helps me think rationally." Did that even make sense? No? Eden didn't make sense a lot, so this didn't bother her.
"What-Merlin--is my hair DEAD?" she asked, laughing QUITE a bit.
"I take GREAT care of my hair--" lies!-
-"And how DARE you call it dead, you....you--" she just laughed and lay back, throwing the ball against the wall.
"I should probably do girly things like......wash my hair with nice shampoo or something." Her brunette locks were long, sure, but she hardly brushed her hair and when she did she didn't really do anything to fix it up. It just...she did pony-tails a lot. Yep.
The female'd wrong, according to her line of thought, anyways.
Eden checked under her pillow, and NOPE--not there--Merlin--she sighed and then----she caught sight---she peeked into the little opening that lead to under her bed--HER BRUUUUSH!
"Silly brush--sneakin' away like that!" she giggled to herself and reached down to pull it up.
And the brushing of her hair began.