The Office of Gabriela Recard, Department Head curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog As you walk into Gabi's office, the scent of plumeria hits your nostrils. A soy candle is burning in the corner releasing the heavenly aroma into the air - and all without added chemicals! If there is one thing Gabi loves more than transportation, it's health, and you are more than welcome to grab some pita chips and hummus, which are sitting nicely in the corner of Gabi's desk for her to munch on while working on important department head stuff. There's also a tea kettle heating up magically on the bookcase next to the window - it'll start whistling when it's ready to go, and Gabi has a large array of teas to choose from!
The curtains are open, and the windows are charmed to allow endless sunlight to stream into the room (but not TOO bright of course, her blue eyes are very sensitive!) There are pictures of Gabi's son, Tucker, including a copy of the picture she sent him on his first day on Level 3, along with her husband Armen, sitting proudly on her desk. Everything is perfectly organized into neat piles, along with a few random issues of Witch Weekly, which she reads whenever she gets some free time.
If you're here to chat, have a seat in one of the two cushy blue armchairs in front of her desk. Be sure you knock before entering, though! Gabi does NOT enjoy rudeness, and if you just barge in - well, no hummus for you! Quote:
OOC: Welcome! Gabi is so excited to chat with you - but PLEASE RP your character knocking and please wait until Gabi invites you in.
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 02-12-2015 at 07:44 PM.