Text Cut: Finn
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Team ronmione
How nice of her not to hurt him. He gladly appreciated that of course, so he gave her a simple nod and two thumbs up. Unless she had more to say about this, he assumed this part of the conversation was done?
"Yeah... yeah, that makes sense. Why wouldn't it?" Everyone had different subjects or matters that they found intriguing and looked into their spare time, while others did it because it was some sort of requirement. "Not sure... not sure if I have a favorite. But, maybe I'd be more.. more inclined to go to to Care of of Magical Creatures or maybe, History of Magic." Mhmmm. She was also lucky he felt comfortable talking to her. Its not like this was a private matter, but he wasn't one to say too much that was 'of him'.
At her words Finn laughed, because, yes, it did sound a bit like some cheesy 'get well' card or something. "It's a bit.. bit cliché but..." It was good that she liked it. "Seems to have gotten your attention." Finn said with a rare smile. He took into consideration what she said about the dandelions and how they didn't have to look perfect. The boy crouched lower to the grass and began to inspect it closely. It was a while before he got anything. "Aha! Two for you-Miss." Finn said in a victorious voice as he held them tightly in his fingers, showing them to her. "Seeeee? Maybe-maybe my quote gave us luck." He said in a teasing voice. It could only be uphill from here.
Normally when she said if something made sense people would say it did and not ask why it wouldn't, so when Finn asked her, she shrugged. "Becauuuse...it sounded complicated once I said it, but I'm glad you understood," she said quickly.
Oh--wait. He mentioned Care of Magical Creatures. Beverly's interest peaked. "Does that mean you enjoy working with creatures or learning about them?" Or both? Both was okay, too. Finn was quickly making up her cool people's list.
"It inspired me," she said, flashing him one of her own rare smiles. "And you should feel lucky because not much inspires me," she threw out there. Of course that was debatable. She could be quite impressionable at times even if she didn't like to admit it.
Running her fingers through the grass to make sure she didn't miss any hidden dandelions, the Slytherin huffed her fringe from her eyes. Which swiftly fell back over her face when she turned to Finn. "You found some!" She didn't intend for her voice to come off as excited, so she cleared her throat tossed her hair back behind her shoulder. "They're probably the last dandelions of the season." Slipping the strap from her wrist, she held the small pouch open for him. "You should come up with more of these quotes to give us more luck." She half smirked and wiggled the pouch.
In they go, mister.