12-16-2012, 02:42 AM
The Chamber of Secrets
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened! ...but only through the secret passage from the Girls' Bathroom. If you've taken the plunge down the long and winding tunnel, you will have been dumped at the forefront of this cavern. Walk the serpent-lined entrance corridor if you dare, and you will emerge into the stunning hideaway designed by Salazar Slytherin himself.
The famed Chamber of Secrets is a massive, dimly lit vault far, far below the school and deeper even than the Black Lake. Towering stone pillars entwined with carved, wooden serpents reach toward a high ceiling lost in darkness. At the far end of this long room is a giant statue of the sneakiest of the school's founders, a statue which used to house a basilisk and only Merlin knows what other monsters. You may want to light your wand to see all the way to the statue and past the faint, greenish-glow gloom throughout this echoing cavern.
Explorers of the heir's lair: beware your step. No one really knows what's still here miles beneath the school's plumbing.