Catching up- Finishing Mini Act - #1- Practicing Silencio ●kpop lingua amateur● Spanglish,YO●
Paloma had looked around, and then back at her notes. She had actually missed seeing the number of drops she had to give the poor Toadstool from her list? HMPH. With the dropper, she counted three drops, quite in a whisper and in Spanish to the Toadstool, gave a grin as it began to heal those wrinkles and dry spots, then whispered a "Hello..." to it. Not a real response, except sort of a moan. Had she done something wrong?
"You're a star...go shine." She talked to it, with a little louder voice and well, it talked back to her. Paloma blinked...and she took a second for her to realize that it was the toadstool talking. Alright, "Okay, you gotta get some Vitamin D now." She whispered, hearing a few whispers from the Toadstool again, making her giggle as she took the pot to a sunny spot, ready for the...
And that is when Professor M spoke, telling them the next instructions. They now had to silence them. Sigh. "So, you don't like other's comments, do ya?" She talked to the Toadstool and raised her eyebrow, won't hear them again, nor would tell anything to the others.
With all due tongue and voice, she repeated "Silencio...Silencio...Silencio..." A few more than five times than that. For her, it sounded a bit too much like Spanish, too, but maybe she needed to French it up a bit. "Silencio..." Again, though using her poor accent there, but kinda nailed the pronounciation like the Professor did.
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