All that was left now was to take the potted toadstool through to Greenhouse Two. Toby was just picking up the pot to go ahead and do that when he caught sight of a few students nearby putting those sticky labels on their own. Oh yeah... how was Professor Millard going to know whose work was whose without that? Toby's brain was a little slow today, okay?
He set the pot carefully back down and retrieved himself a label. He wrote out his full name on the tag this time (as well as a little extra info just in case, though they'd not been told to do so), before peeling off the backing and carefully applying it to the plant pot.
Originally Posted by Label
Tobias Fuller-Thompson
(Hufflepuff, 6th year)
After allowing himself a little smile at how that looked, Toby picked up the pot again and carried it carefully through to Greenhouse Two, placing it with the others on the main desk in a place as close to the middle as he could get it, where it was certain not to get accidentally knocked over or anything.
Then Toby returned to the main lesson area, brushing off his gloved hands of any excess soil before removing the gloves themselves, and reclaimed his space at the big table.