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Old 02-05-2015, 07:00 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Default Nuuuu. ;___; Is it storms? Or Gubbmint?
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Text Cut: Quigglestein
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

"A good question Miss Carrington." He'd have asked Mister Mordaunt to explain, given he was the one to undertake the invention of a new spell in his spare time but at the moment the boy looked positively put off for whatever reason so he'd sort through this one himself. "It's complex, first and foremost and requires a lot of concentration, intent, diligence, you name it. What you'll want to do is condition the wand to the action, find an incantation that you think describes the action you want as best as possible then while uttering this incantation you'll need to fix your intent. Make the wand understand exactly what it is you want it doing." Which wasn't as easy as it sounded but that went without saying.



Unless she was one of those that didn't take Charms seriously and thought everything was a simple flick of the wand? For now he would refrain from asking as much because of that benefit of the doubt thing you had to pretend to respect when you became a Professor SO attention back to Cutty. "Now you were saying, Mister Mordaunt?" About the incantation working in reverse, assessing for the strength of his intent. Yes. He was listening.

When Professor Quiggley explained to Lux all that went into spell creation he listened carefully. Not only for general knowledge, but for the chance that he might even improve upon the efficiency of his little baby. Maaaybe Lux was good to have around afterall. She probably made him look less guilty by proxy as well. I mean...look at her.

"I think it's an issue of fohwkiss. Although, I intended the castee to hit his or her face I really wasn't feelin' too picky, apparently. Both situations struck me as amusing, boot, having given it some thought the fist to face is really more error-proof and the next time I cast my fohwkiss will be on that scenario." Time to go forth and find the practice dummies. "D'yer think it could be anything else, Professor? Is my incantation alright?"
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