½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf JUST Professor Millard then... sure, he could do that.
Promptly, Zeke sat himself at the long table, swinging his legs as he did so, and pulled out his STUFFF. Yeah, stuff was great for taking notes with. The gloves could stay on the desk for now though, need for them yet.
Taking the roll of stickers, Zeke took one and passed the rest on. With his name in big bold letters, he stuck it to his chest and waited for further instructions. Boo... they had to WAIT for plants. Boo.
Toadstools though, he couldn't imagine them being fun, but with all the talk of them being poisonous, he DID have thoughts on the matter. Hand up to answer, Zeke offered his view. "Because they're poisonous, the must come in bright colours and stuff right? It's like a warning thing to wildlife not to eat them. Bright red with white dots is popular." But other colours would be cooler, surely - even if red was his favourite.
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