Thread: Herbology 1
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Old 02-01-2015, 08:44 PM
Emzily Emzily is offline
Default Herbology 1

The door of Greenhouse one is wedged open and ready for students to enter for the first Herbology lesson of the term. It's a bit chilly, but comfortable. The large, and relatively empty working table in the center of the room has seats all around it for each student.

Professor Millard is standing nervously at the front of the table, hands behind his back and rocking slightly on his heels. As soon as you enter, however, he straightens up and intensifies his expression. He greets each student with a nod.

ooc: Hello! Class will hopefully begin in around 14-15 hours.
Class has officially STARTED.

Greetings and first question
Second question
Final question!
Mini activity
Main activity