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Old 02-01-2015, 08:45 AM   #76 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Text Cut: Tia
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
What Tia really wanted to do was see these rare creatures already. Like would they get the opportunity to ride them? Did porlocks fly? She probably should have done advanced reading except with her other classes, she had momentarily forgotten about Magical Creatures. Oh well, she listened to her peers for a few moments and then she heard a question that she could probably guess about. Raising her hand after considering her answer, "Food. They say the way to a man's heart - or well, in this case creatures, is food. Don't poison them. Feed them what they like and you'll bring out their trust."


Cutty paused considering this. Maybe the candy hustle was the reason he both had friends and didn't. It was all about food.

He was only slightly distracted by the girl who'd made the point.

Ravenclaw. Why were they always Ravenclaw?

Text Cut: WHOA-Jack
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
It felt a little like the professor was ignoring her, and Dot scrunched up her nose as she listened to him explain about the creature. The porlock thing. The stuff she'd found in the book was exactly true, if not as creative and genius as what her classmates had said.

Maybe she was just dumb at this subject. Stubbornly, Dot raised her hand and tried again on the next question. "Professor, if the porlocks hide from humans, then maybe we should hide from them first so we don't scare them. We could disillusion ourselves, or muffle the sounds we make. I don't think that works long term, but maybe you could get them used to you over time by introducing yourself into their environment slowly."

Dot's answer made Cutty think about his own as well. It wasn't a bad strategy. And the fact the he'd call it a strategy at all was impressive to him as it didn't seem as obvious a course of action as the others. He liked that. Sneaky AND fighting fire with fire.

It was so Wojack. Or Wojack-Goosey? Why'd she change her last name anyway?

Text Cut: Agatha
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Agatha thought that there was already way too much chit chat going on. She wanted to start the practical bit now. That was, if no spells were involved; if there was any new incantation she needed to learn for the practical bit of this lesson, then she would rather they kept talking.

So many people were saying the way to gain the trust of a Porlock was to be nice to the horses. Well, obviously, but also "You could allow the Porlock look after your horses." Because there were probably people out there who were very protecive of their animals and Agatha wouldn't blame them. "If they know you're nice enough and you trust them to look after your horses, then they can trust you back." Honestly, Agatha would only ever let anyone touch her horse if she trusted them, so that obviously should work for Porlocks too. Obviously.

"I know I'd only let Porlocks look after my horses." The Slytherin added added matter-of-factly. No one else. No one.

Okay, maybe her uncle too.

Of all the answers given, Cutty found Agatha's to be the most interesting. Putting himself in the place of another wasn't something he did routinely. Or ever. So the fact that Agatha not only thought to do this, but actually COULD he found interesting. Could she do that with other things? Human beings for example?

It sort of creeped him out.

So he concentrated on her hair and forming his answer. Raising his hand and going with the pre-established motiff of Slytherins using stealth, he gave this unconventional idea, "Yer get 'im to come to yew by makin' him angry. Do something that yer know he doesn't like. Strategically replace the grass with succulents and flirt with his gehl or his moom if yer can by leaving them gifts and not him. Yew'll do his head in! And then he'll come lookin' fer yer." He also considered setting traps and 'rescuing' the poor scared little porlocks. Mostly, because he was a horrible human being.
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