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Old 01-28-2015, 05:52 PM   #79 (permalink)
Magical Creatures
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 139

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Noooo no no no!

Harmony didn't even get a minute to be relieved over the arrival of another batch of the cure because poor mutant y was going off, much in the same way the mutant they'd just lost to whatever was ailing it had. The red head looked distressed but she didn't waste any time.

Rushing to the equipment, Harmony prepared a dose of the potion for the poor mutant before hurrying over and administering it. She had tunnel vision and the only thing on her mind was making sure mutant y stopped screeching like that.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Oh look! There was Derek now. Thank Merlin. Now he didn't have to stand here looking like a proper shrivel fig and wondering how in holy holly he was supposed to administer the stuff.

Which, by the way, would have been for the creature to drink it if he had to guess. So it really was good that Derek was here.

"Holy honking daffodils!" the Australian cursed under his breath when the creature began screeching. Grabbing a syringe of his own, Aron quickly set it up for another injection on a different mutant, hopefully before more of them started making noise.

Rushing to one of the cages, he skipped over handling protocol entirely and opened the cage door. Syringe on the table and out of the way, he pulled the critter out of its cage by the scruff of its neck and held it in place on one of the tables with his arm and body. Reaching for the cure with his free hand, he leaned down to whisper to the mutant like he would were he speaking to his own son, "Not to worry, it'll be over soon." way or another. He supposed. Right. Optimistic thinking.

Pinching the mutant's skin, he swiftly administered the cure....and waited.
Mutant Y and Mutant W, both in the care of their respective humans, wiggled and thrashed about as the cure was administered. Neither fancied being poked by more needles and squeaked loudly to protest. As soon as the needles were out and the cure began to move about their system, both creatures mellowed out and became drowsy. Soon, their eyes closed and they fell fast asleep. Visibly breathing and in no pain.
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