Text Cut: Quiggle
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Maddox looked between the two students, still under the impression they had come to discuss whatever matter it was together. The thought was only cemented when the Hufflepuff remained silent and let the Slytherin speak. Perhaps she'd say her piece later? Right now she seemed more content to just...sit and stare...
Ahem, attention back to Mordaunt.
A spell that would cause someone to repeatedly punch themselves until they passed out or got rescued. Huh. Sounded like he'd actually gotten something out of the spell too. That was impressive. Maddox scratched at his chin for a moment, rolling the spell over and over in his mind while considering the current dilemma. "And you've already assessed to ensure the problem doesn't stop with the intent? It might reverse the problem of the face hitting the fist instead of the fist hitting the face, just to start." They would need to work on the repetitive element after.
Cutty paused as he gave this some thought. Had he wanted the after-effect more than he wanted to see someone's fist flying into their face? Or perhaps deep down he found the face hitting the fist far more entertaining prompting him to shift his intent unconsciously. He considered the ridicule factor of someone's hand clearly being out of their control versus the lack of clarity one risked with a face drawing quickly into the hand where ever it may be placed. Not to mention the fact that someone could adjust the position of their hand and make it look a bit more natural or place something soft between their fist and their face. A slow smile was forming...
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Totally not picking up on the fact that Cutty didn't want her in the office with him, Lux listened carefully as he spoke to Professor Quigley about a spell that he was developing.
SNORT. Why did so many boys want to be violent? Seemed that Bay was one of the exceptions because he was generally one for non-violence unless someone was messing with her. The spell did sound pretty interesting, however, she had to admit.
"How do you create spells?" she asked curiously because she really did need to know that for the spell she wanted to create with Bay.
Only to be destroyed and replaced with a stern frown by Lux's interruption. She was fired. She was so, so fired! He was never bringing her on another outing again.