Originally Posted by
ArianaBlack You know, strange but in attempt to study for his Astronomy OWL that would take place at the end of the year... Zander had been taking the boring book approach thus fair. Which was erm, a little less than interesting. Actually, did Professor's even have any idea at all? Textbooks were the absolute WORST. All they did was drone on AND ON about all this stuff that apparently was relevant to stuff and just yeah. See, that didn't even make sense. And you know what else didn't make sense? TEXTBOOKS. THAT'S WHAT.
Ahem. Back to the point here... Zander Adair ventured all the way-- okay it really wasn't that far from the Common Room in all honesty-- to the Astronomy tower. He didn't even have class or anything so this was a pretty big deal. For him. A pretty big deal for him, okay?! Could he please just have this one?
Anyways, he was here to do stargazing stuff, FOR SCIENCE! And also for the sake of not having to just read another textbook for the next three hours. He had enough words for one day, thankyouverymuch. Too many words that words didn't even look like words anymore so much as jumbled up letters with lots of squiggles and occasional indentations. Though, he did have his textbook open to a page with a nice image of the night sky. And you know what he was going to do? Look through that giant telescope thingy and try to name every single constellation. Every. Single. One. Lotus would be so proud.
Cinna was bored, very bored. She had been battling a cold or something for the past few days. Today was the first day that she had actually felt like moving from her bed.*There was only so many gossip magazines, and girl talk that the fifth year could take while being sick. But the girls had been nice enough to bring soup to her.
She headed out of the common room. Though she didn't know where she was heading yet. She was just Happy to be out of her dorm and bed. Still not feeling completely well she decided that it would be best to stay on the seventh floor. She thought about going to the room of requirement but she didn't know if she was up for that after being sick.
It was dark outside so maybe she would go head to the observatory. She didn't know what gave her the idea to do this. But she walked into the observatory. She grinned when she spotted one Zander Adair standing there.*She made her way over to him, quietly put her arm around him, "Did you know that there are twenty two different constellation names start with the letter "C."?" She couldn't remember all twenty two names but she did know that there was 22 of them. See she was smart when she actually wanted to be.