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So Dante liked animals. Just the really dangerous kind like dragons and such because if you were to rule the world. It would be awesome to have a nundu or dragon by your side. That was just a fact. It was just he had never been to one of Professor Thompson's lessons and had some questions. Because next year he can. Well he kind of just showed up at a arthimancy class. But that was to see what it was about. And numbers were not fun.
Dante knocked once on the door. This Professor was not new so no point in annoying him. Plus he seemed cool and fancy. Next he sat down and waited by flipping through a magazine.
Oh look his brother's band was making headlines for something.
Javier had just returned back to his little sanctuary following one of his own little endeavors. Though fully expecting to have a good old lounge, he glanced over at the seating area. A right move as there was a student reading through a magazine. He looked familiar to the Professor yet he didn't know much other than his name from the list. "
Mr. Barrington.." It hadn't been that long ago since he uttered that name. Though it was with his older brother. "
What brings you here today?" Whether it was for something large or not it was good to know.