Emmalee was in luck, this was a good time.
Instead of answering letters from concerned parents or doing paperwork or stuffing his face with pastries, the Department Head was humming a little tune as he tended to the many plants sitting around his office. This was his responsibility and frankly, he wouldn't let anyone else tend to his babies plants unless he absolutely 100% trusted them. Blind trust didn't work for him.
So, gloves on, he was currently fertilising a small Flitterby Bush when there were three knocks on the door.
Bryce glanced down at his watch. Did he have a meeting he was unaware of? Or was this a surprise visit? OR was there a fire? "Come in!" There had better not be a fire. Just so you know.
Emmalee opened the door and stuck her head into the office, not yet fully entering. "Bryce, hi," she said, hoping that the familiarity was still alright. "Is now an alright time? I'm hoping to chat about some upcoming work in the greenhouses..." That seemed the most succinct way of putting it. Leading with 'I'm concerned about our future funding and want to make sure our next project is really a big one while we can' didn't seem the most prudent.
She took a scan of the room, taking note of his gloved hands and his work the the bush. "I can come back if you're busy..." She hated being interrupted while tending to her plants, and would hate to impose.