Originally Posted by
...No. No, Professor Teddy-Bear-With-Arms-Like-Tree-Trunks-Thompson. She was NOT handing over her HOMEMADE badge whether he liked it or not. Sorry. Professor title or no professor title. She wasn't breaking any rules, and she was NOT going to let him confiscate it. Noooooooo.
...But what if he really did just want to look at it? And he would just admire it and give it right back?
...But what if he DIDN'T? What if he KEPT IT and ruined ALL HER FUN FOR THE TERM and BROKE HER LITTLE HEART?
A whimpering sort of sound caught in her throat, and she shook her head at him and kept her hand firmly over her badge. His wiggly fingers made her purse her lips, and she cleared her throat, trying to sound like she wasn't absolutely terrified of him, "...You're welcome. You're supposed to look out for me, too, y'know." Which meant NOT being a poo and taking her badge, OKAY JAVY?
That whimper of hers that his ears could audibly hear. Certainly he still wasn't that scary to her? Oh no, she just wanted to keep the badge. "
Indeed.. all the more reason for me to have a look." The hand was still out, "
It won't take long." How was that for reassurance?
Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
He hadn't had to wait long, the door opening shortly after he had sat down outside the professor's office and revealing said man before him. "Hello Professor," Benny said, returning the greeting with a small polite smile. "Thank you," he added as permission was granted to enter Thompson's office, the lion taking the hint and walking past him into said room. Though after that he was unsure of his next move as he came to a rest inside, absently spotting the goose that resided there.
"How are you, Professor?" he asked, deciding to start with polite talk. It was likely as good as anything else to begin with.
I'm doing quite well, thank you. Would you like some tea?" The Professor replied to the polite boy. "
Please, have a seat." Anywhere really as he gestured at the chairs before him at his desk. Waiting until he decided where exactly did he ask, "
Now what can I do for you Mr. Atreyu?" He was all ears now.