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Yeah, for sure, Genevieve liked the idea that Aurors could have more autonomy out in the Wizarding public, although the side of her brain that spoke sensibly and with reason (and sounded like her mother) knew there was a fine line between stopping someone for being up to something and stopping someone because you thought they were up to something. It was called profiling, and it wasn't something they wanted to bring into the MLE if they could help it.
"There already are some security clearances in place, but it never hurts to be cautious. Of course, once you've jumped through the hoops of being hired, the assumption is that you're no longer a liability. Do you believe there are any positions that require an increased level of clearance?"
As for the chizpurfle example, she was dismissing it as a non-starter. That was like blaming the MLE for mold spores in the elevator shaft. MLE didn't handle environmental hazards and couldn't have stopped the pests from appearing. "It sounds like your proposal is really more about having security be a concern for every department, isn't it? Rather than an expectation that Security would know how to handle plant or creature samples?"
It was very nice to hear from Mr. Clark, since he'd arrived after Genevieve asked her questions. She offered him a hand as well. Mystery man, wasn't he? And he looked SO dapper in his jacket. And he was really well researched, which the former Ravenclaw appreciated.
"What are your thoughts about security, Mr. Clark? You've been employed at the Ministry for some time, under various leadership styles. How could we approve? Or, as the other candidates suggested, do you feel that you could better utilize MLE?"
Emily was floating around on the perimeter of Genevieve's vision, which kept the young Auror from reacting with her gut. Impulse control had never been a strength, although she'd improved dramatically from her days at Hogwarts. Having her boss watching left Genevieves only option to be as diplomatic as possible, although she didn't agree with Carter's assessment of MLE and the Auror office at all.
Instead, she tilted her head and smiled slightly, asking, "The head of security manages the wand weighing, and he's a fully trained Auror. Very skilled at self defense. Perhaps he and the other Aurors who rotate in and out of that office have the training you're referring to, and it's just a matter of making sure everyone is at the same level of competency?" It wasn't like the doors were hanging open and letting everyone in, or that they were putting unpaid interns on the front desk.
Did they have unpaid interns? How miserable.
"I'm afraid I don't agree with you about the chizpurfle incident, but I would be interested in you answering the question I posted to Ms. Yenorin. Is your desire that security really be a concern in every department, rather than the responsibility of MLE? The chizpurfles were a pest infestation, entirely unrelated to any MLE protocol, but security protocols in A&C might have prevented the problem. It's hard to say, what with hindsight making it all seem so clear now. But as for our subway section, it was probably the best guarded and warded temporary headquarters in all of Britain. The fact that no Muggles found it or were even remotely suspicious of extra activity says a lot. It's easy to worry about things that could have gone wrong, but that nothing did is very indicative, don't you think?"
She wasn't quite sure about the incident with Simon, and she hoped he'd step up and speak to it himself if he wanted to clear the air. It hadn't gone on the books, so it was likely one of those personal tiffs. Genevieve had more than a few people she'd like to punch in the face, so she didn't blame him. Made him a lot more interesting, actually.