Originally Posted by
hermionesclone Maybe he was right? MAYBE he was right? Psh, of course he was right. This was BELLAIRE they were talking about. And even if he didn't know whether it was true or not, he knew that it really had to be. Her nodding, though, was his sign to not push the topic some more so he didn't. She didn't need to dwell on it or whatever. So, instead, Grayson rubbed her arm gently and asked, "You alright, then?"
MAN, this GIRL. She knew exactly how to push him just that little bit and make things exciting. SHE was exciting. Maaaaaaaan! "You challenging me, Banner?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at her. Because this could get interesting. Uh huh.
Waiting for an answer wasn't a problem to him apart from the fact that the seconds seemed to trail by. And he kept her eyes on her to see exactly how she was gonna react to something like that. Because she could say one thing but be feeling something else so, he wanted to see for himself. Her reaction.
Which consisted of a frown.
Oh well freaking done, Whitty.
She never told him she liked him? Hadn't she already done that before? Because he was preeeeeeetty sure she had implied it in one way or another. He wouldn't have been so surprised in the first pla-- Oh there you go. Her feelings haven't changed. Whatever THAT meant. But Grayson, being Grayson, was gonna take that in a way that suited him. "So if you do like me, how come you were kissing someone else?" Because he kinda wanted to know. Curiosity and all that.
"Not that I'm bothered by it," he added in, a little too quickly. Nope. Not bothered. Not him.
Jeez, this was so confusing.
"I'm okay." She assured him. Mostly anyway. Lets see if that was still the case after detention was done with. He made it easier on her actually, just knowing someone understood and supported her and recognized that things with Bellaire were a little off...
Honestly, when WASN'T she challenging him? If he didn't know that by now then he wasn't doing a very good job after all. Ruby smiled and shot him a saucy little wink but said nothing more. He could take that however he wanted. Definitely a challenge though, but it was always more fun to let him decide exactly what that meant, and then escalate it if she felt like it.
But then he startled her and Ruby kind of stared at him disbelievingly. Really? He wanted to know
that? Oh he
wasn't bothered? Which was why he'd brought it up in the first place?
"Because I wanted to. Same reason you kiss a ton of other people, Grayson Whitlock. If I didn't know any better I'd think that you'd rather I didn't kiss anyone else except for you... while you go on doing what you want, for that ego of yours, right? Well it doesn't work that way and I can kiss whoever I please, not that you're bothered by that." Seriously, why was he bringing it up?
"Besides, it was a thank you kiss, he got me this bracelet for my birthday." Ruby showed it off, since she was wearing it, silver with her name spelled out. Not that she hadn't given David a good snogging before then.
"I can do whatever I want with whoever I want." She reiterated, chin in the air.
"Just. Like. You." And if he wanted that to be different, then he was smart enough to know what it would take.
And that was not something she would say.