Term 39 Duels ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
☛ Aditya Rehman & Angel Valentine
☛ FearlessLeader19 (63698) Hufflepuff / Harry174 (86008) Gryffindor
☛ Angel won after using the Curse of the Bogies, causing Adi to collapse.
☛ Post Numbers: 4 & 14 DADA Homework 1:
☛ Aditya Rehman & AJ Valentine
☛ FearlessLeader19 (63698) Hufflepuff / PhoenixStar (191917) Gryffindor
☛ AJ won after using a combination of the Happy Feet Spell and Impediment Jinx on Adi.
☛ Post Numbers 62 & 123. Ro: Points added.
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 03-30-2015 at 11:40 PM.