#3 carving ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf Hyades... when he thought about it, could almost be 'Hady's' ... which made him turn to see how she was going. Which thing from the list had she chosen??? He'd have asked as much, but he felt he needed to concentrate on his glorified lesser-vegetable in order to redeem his poor start to the lesson. Theory and practical were equally weighted, right? Same in O.W.L.'s too, or so he hoped. It would be his only saving grace if his current aptitude followed through.
Next spot... or star, or whatever was... Zeke checked his diagram again. Aethra followed by Althea. Funny names for stars. Of course, he found names of moons even funnier, and there were so many out there in the GIGANTIC universe that he didn't think it was possible to remember them all. He was already screwed, and his O.W.L.'s were still three years away. He had time to sweat.
With his magically enhanced Larch wand, Zeke continued to carve out the stars which made up the Hyades cluster constellation thing... which was it? he really didn't know.
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