*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! Noel was a ball of random things. He had inherited that from his mother's side. Knowing the insomniac he was, the hufflepuff had gotten out of bed and slipped out the common room before the curfew. He couldn't sleep before three anyway, so why waste time in bed?
He had easily gotten into the kitchens and had the generous and kind elves make him a milkshake. He was just sorta craving. While he was having a ball, sitting in the kitchens, watching the elves work and have his milkshake, he just really couldn't get his head off things. And he wanted to talk. While Hayley had already heard his rant in the afternoon, the fourteen year old decided not to disturb his cousin and instead bullied a kid to get the other ravenclaw he knew.
And she had kindly accepted his invitation of having milkshake before bed.
He grinned hearing her when she finally came out, "It's kind of nice, don't you think?" he asked. It was kind of their thing? Talking before bed, even though he was the one who always walked all the way up the stairs.
Leaning back on the wall too, Noel offered the milkshake he had gotten as a reply to her question. Placing her straw in, he said: "I was kind of bored and thought we could talk and drink at the same time"
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |