Text Cut: Gid and Bunz <3
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So that was the headmistress... He smiled at those he past and had noticed the one who looked almost like a double to Becca. If he hadn't known what his wife was wearing he might have gotten confused. Though he wondered how she'd respond if he did say that to her. Smirking a little he walked up behind Becca and said "Hello headmistress" near her ear. He wasn't sure what they should do for a donation though. He was never good at coming up with amounts for donating and usually went by what he heard others discussing.
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The redhead politely looked away while the Lord finished his donation paper, and to her surprise she appeared to be accidentally looking in a mirror. !!!!!! What! What was this sorcery, this woman wearing the same blazer and jeans she had just worn last summer. Anastasia touched her hair as if making sure it was still there.
"You have great taste in fashion, dear," she moved around the donation box to casually mention this to the woman. Oh, and was that her husband, whispering in her ear? He looked familiar for some reason as well. Reminded her of Gaellen Tate, actually. Weiiiiiiiiiiird. She was officially weiiiiiiirded out by these two and moved down the line to the next couple there.
Her head tilted a little and she bit her bottom lip to stifle the giggle from his whisper. "Shush, idiot." she swatted at him. It wasn't often he crept up on her. She was about to ask him about her idea for a donation amount when she saw the Headmistress looking at her. Smiling back at the woman, Becca raised the quill in greeting, though she had
no idea why she'd done that. "Oh, thank you. You do too." She was sure she owned that outfit... It was definitely somewhere in her wardrobe. How did she even describe that anomaly? Weird unrelated twins? Yeah, lets go with that. Weird unrelated twins.
Her eyes went back to the paper. "I was going to go with 200 galleons, what do you think?" she asked Gid, wondering if he'd agree. It wasn't a small amount, but it wasn't their entire bank account either.