Son? Awww that was nice. Silas nodded and sat down easily in the seat, close to the edge. "Oh. That's nice. Good luck to her then." And he had no idea whether or not his parents would vote... or better yet whether they would vote for her specifically. He didn't get involved with their Ministry nonsense. Or much else they did really. It was only when he was FORCED that he went to any of their society stuff.
He reached across and nudged the package slightly. Yes, it was for him. MHM. "It was just something I stumbled across when I went traveling this summer. Thought of you." He thought of Cossy a lot. Hehe. And for good measure he reached into his robes and brought out a small packet of chocolates. "Would you like some? I got these in Spain." Chocolate for the Proffy. Mhm.
"Also... I heard the other person say something about a potion... in the lab. Could I work on something advanced this term? With your supervision of course." Cue the charming smile.