Text Cut: Becca and Roxanne
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As soon as she saw her husband approaching, Becca just tilted her head. When he called her Ms, she glared at him. He KNEW she was married, especially since she was married to him. Forcing herself to smile at him, she answered in a confident voice. "I plan to use already existing and proven to work muggle laws to search people for weapons, to screen all post and then implement our own new laws to be able to investigate those who are suspicious and known to the Ministry beforehand." Mhmm. "Also to provide basic self-defence training to those who are constantly working near the entrance of the Ministry."
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Welp, dumb questions were better than none, she guessed. Because why else would she be here if she didn't have plans? Honestly, she wondered about people sometimes these days. "I certainly do," Roxanne began with a smile. "I agree that those stationed at the Ministry entrances should have self-defense training, but I think security changes should go much deeper." A fact that one Emily Elouise Morgan Browne probably wouldn't like much, but oh well. "I believe that the MLE themselves need to be in better contact with their counterparts in other countries. See if they have any intelligence that could help in preventing any attacks on Britain. Also, the MLE needs to do a better job of catching actual criminals instead of keeping innocent YATIs out of desks." Okay, that last one was a bit personal. And Sky had said she didn't mind sitting on the floor, but still. "I plan on working with Ms. Browne to get this done." And she didn't agree to it? Well, she'd just cross that bridge when and if she got to it.
He bit back a sigh, apparently she hadn't appreciated something he'd said. He was going to get it later he was sure. Though he wasn't sure what he'd said wrong! Was it because he'd addressed her first? He nodded as Becca spoke. "You mentioned implementing new laws, are there are any that come to mind?" He definitely agreed with the basic self-defense training for those working near the entrances. To be honest he felt everyone should have that basic self-defense training.
He turned to Roxanne when she responded as well, and nodded in agreement about the self-defense training as well. Deeper? His eyes actually widened a little at how she appeared to bash the way MLE was being run. Perhaps there were issues here and there but as of late he hadn't... "Pardon? You feel MLE is actually not doing their job properly? How would you change that? Where do your concerns fall?"