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Expecto-Penguin Kace decided to take a trip down to the Whomping Willow. He just really wanted to see the violent tree. He wondered how long this tree had been around? It must be really old and the most famous landmark. Everyone from Hogwarts would know what it is. He wanted to the touch the tree but he didn't want any limbs removed or eyes removed. He liked to keep those intact. He might as well enjoy the crisp fall air.
He took out his book and began to read. He might as well much himself seem a bit smarter than he actually was.
Phoenix was running. Mainly because he was full of energy, but partly because it was better than doing the whole study thing he was supposed to have going on. Ew. Studying.
Anyway, he was doing the rounds of the grounds, trying to expend as much of this restless energy as he possibly could. Cause sitting still was making him crazy. He'd got sidetracked though, and his mind almost seemed to have vacated his body, so he didn't notice the lad sat down...
And he tripped over him.
Faceplant the ground. Smooth.