Well, that had been quite the yodel! She made a mental note to never have an activity in which people were learning said skill. It was... well... unique.
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Truth: What do you want to do when you leave here?
Dare: Sing I'm a little tea pot with all the hand motions
Tiara figured she may as well join in. After all, if you're going to come up with a game, you should be willing to play it, right? She moved closer to the group and interjected. "
I'll do it!" This was going to be extremely embarrassing, but hopefully they'd loved her for it. That was the idea, anyways. Didn't teens like it when you made a fool of yourself? "
Forgive the singing, dears. I'm not a professional by any means."
And she wasn't entirely sure she knew all the motions, either, but she'd try her best. "
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle," she bent her arm into a crook and placed it on her hip, "
here is my spout." Her other arm extended out in front of her, bending her hand into a spout. "
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout. TIP," she began to bend, "
me over and pour me out!" She finished the song with a flourish, bending so the spout almost touched the ground. Then, she made a mock bow to all the applause she
should be getting.
Truth: If you weren't in Ravenclaw, which other house would the Sorting Hat put you in?
Dare: Do ten somersaults in a row.